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Filtering For Max Date Time Within Query Mới Cập Nhật

Solved: Power Query: List.Max Doesn'T Work On Date - Microsoft Power Bi  Community

Bạn đang muốn tìm hiểu thông tin về chủ đề “Filtering for max date time within QUERY”. sẽ tổng hợp các thông tin để trả lời thắc mắt cho các bạn trong bài viết này. Mời các bạn đọc hết bài viết này để tìm được những thông tin mà mình muốn xem nhé. Bạn cũng có thể xem thêm một số bài viết chủ đề khác tại đây: pyspark filter by max date, filter max date, subquery to get max date, sql select max date for multiple records, t sql get the latest record by date, max date for each id sql, sql query filter by column value, oracle max date in where clause.

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  • Câu hỏi: Filtering for max date time within QUERY
  • Thời gian hỏi: Hỏi lúc 40 Phút Trước
  • Thời gian trả lời: Trả lời 124 Giờ Trước
  • Số lượt xem: 1927

Filtering for max date time within QUERY

To filter for the maximum date time within a QUERY, you can use the MAX() function to find the maximum date time value, and then use that value in your filter criteria.

Here’s an example:

Suppose you have a table called my_table with columns id, name, and date_time, and you want to find the row with the latest date_time value. You can use the following QUERY:

SELECT id, name, date_time FROM my_table WHERE date_time = (SELECT MAX(date_time) FROM my_table)

This QUERY will select all rows from my_table where the date_time value is equal to the maximum date_time value found in the same table.

Note that if there are multiple rows with the same maximum date_time value, this QUERY will return all of them. If you only want to return a single row, you can add an additional criteria to the WHERE clause, such as an ID value, to ensure that only one row is returned.

Xem video liên quan đến Filtering for max date time within QUERY

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How to select max datetime in SQL?

To select the maximum datetime in SQL, you can use the MAX() function with the datetime column as its argument. Here’s an example query:

SELECT MAX(datetime_column_name) FROM table_name;

Replace “datetime_column_name” with the name of the datetime column in your table, and “table_name” with the name of your table.

The MAX() function will return the maximum value of the datetime column in your table, which is the most recent datetime.

How to filter datetime in SQL?

To filter datetime in SQL, you can use the WHERE clause in your SQL query with a comparison operator to specify the range of datetime values you want to include in your query. Here are a few examples:

  1. Filter by a specific datetime value:

    SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE datetime_column = '2023-02-24 13:45:00';
  2. Filter by a range of datetime values:

    SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE datetime_column >= '2023-02-23 00:00:00' AND datetime_column < '2023-02-24 00:00:00';

    This will retrieve all records where datetime_column is on or after 2023-02-23 and before 2023-02-24.

  3. Filter by a relative datetime value:

    SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE datetime_column >= DATEADD(day, -7, GETDATE());

    This will retrieve all records where datetime_column is within the last 7 days. GETDATE() returns the current datetime value, and DATEADD(day, -7, GETDATE()) subtracts 7 days from the current datetime value.

Note that the specific syntax for filtering datetime values in SQL may vary depending on the database management system you are using.

How to filter maximum value in SQL?

To filter the maximum value in SQL, you can use the MAX() function in conjunction with a WHERE clause. Here’s an example:

Let’s say you have a table named “sales” with two columns: “product” and “revenue”. You want to find the maximum revenue in the table and filter the results to only show the row with the maximum revenue. Here’s how you can do it:

SELECT product, revenue FROM sales WHERE revenue = (SELECT MAX(revenue) FROM sales);

In this query, the subquery (SELECT MAX(revenue) FROM sales) finds the maximum revenue in the “sales” table. The outer query then filters the results to only show the row(s) where the revenue equals the maximum revenue found by the subquery.

Note that if there are multiple rows with the same maximum revenue, this query will return all of those rows.

Hình ảnh liên quan đến Filtering for max date time within QUERY

Tìm được 29 hình ảnh liên quan đến chủ đề Filtering for max date time within QUERY.

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Solved: Power Query: List.Max Doesn’T Work On Date – Microsoft Power Bi Community

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