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Pointers On Accessing An Data Object Class C++ Mới Update

Base Class Pointer Pointing To Derived Class Object - Geeksforgeeks

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Pointers on accessing an data object class C++

In C++, you can access the data members and member functions of an object using the dot (.) operator and the arrow (->) operator.

The dot operator is used when you have an object instance, and you want to access its data members or member functions. Here’s an example:

class MyClass { public: int myVar; void myFunc() { // do something } }; int main() { MyClass obj; obj.myVar = 42; obj.myFunc(); return 0; }

In the above example, we create an object of MyClass named obj. We can access the data member myVar and member function myFunc using the dot operator.

The arrow operator is used when you have a pointer to an object, and you want to access its data members or member functions. Here’s an example:

class MyClass { public: int myVar; void myFunc() { // do something } }; int main() { MyClass* ptr = new MyClass(); ptr->myVar = 42; ptr->myFunc(); delete ptr; return 0; }

In the above example, we create a pointer to an object of MyClass named ptr. We can access the data member myVar and member function myFunc using the arrow operator.

Note that when using the arrow operator, you need to make sure that the pointer is not null before dereferencing it.

Xem video liên quan đến Pointers on accessing an data object class C++

Access Classes using Pointers – C++ Programming Tutorial #33 (PC / Mac 2015)

How pointers can be used to access members of a class?

In C++, pointers can be used to access members of a class in several ways, depending on the access level of the member and the type of pointer being used. Here are some examples:

  1. Accessing public members with a pointer:
class MyClass { public: int myPublicMember; }; MyClass myObject; MyClass* myPointer = &myObject; myPointer->myPublicMember = 42; // Access public member via pointer
  1. Accessing private or protected members with a pointer:
class MyClass { private: int myPrivateMember; public: void setMyPrivateMember(int value) { myPrivateMember = value; } }; MyClass myObject; MyClass* myPointer = &myObject; myPointer->setMyPrivateMember(42); // Access private member via pointer
  1. Accessing members of a derived class using a base class pointer:
class MyBaseClass { public: int myPublicMember; }; class MyDerivedClass : public MyBaseClass { public: int myDerivedMember; }; MyDerivedClass myObject; MyBaseClass* myPointer = &myObject; myPointer->myPublicMember = 42; // Access public member of base class static_cast<MyDerivedClass*>(myPointer)->myDerivedMember = 99; // Access derived member via cast

In general, when accessing members of a class via a pointer, you use the “->” operator instead of the dot operator, since the pointer itself is not the object but rather a reference to it.

How to read data from pointer in C?

In C, you can read data from a pointer by using the dereference operator (*) to access the value at the memory address pointed to by the pointer.

Here’s an example:

int x = 10; int *p = &x; // p points to the memory address of x // To read the value of x using p, use the dereference operator: int y = *p; printf("The value of y is %d\n", y); // prints "The value of y is 10"

In the above example, we first create a variable x and initialize it to 10. Then we create a pointer p and assign it the memory address of x using the address-of operator (&). Finally, we use the dereference operator (*) to read the value of x through p, and assign it to a new variable y. We can then print the value of y to verify that it’s equal to x.

What are pointers to objects?

Pointers to objects are variables that hold the memory address of an object in computer memory. In object-oriented programming languages like C++, Java, and Python, objects are instances of classes. Each object is allocated a block of memory that contains its data members and member functions.

A pointer to an object is a variable that stores the memory address of the object. When you create an object, the compiler allocates a block of memory for that object. You can obtain the memory address of the object by using the address-of operator “&”. For example:

MyClass obj; MyClass *ptr = &obj; // pointer to obj

In this example, the variable “obj” is an instance of the class MyClass, and “ptr” is a pointer to the object “obj”. The “&” operator is used to get the memory address of “obj” and store it in “ptr”.

Once you have a pointer to an object, you can access its data members and member functions using the arrow operator “->”. For example:

MyClass obj; MyClass *ptr = &obj; // pointer to obj ptr->memberFunction(); // call member function using pointer

In this example, the member function of the object “obj” is called using the pointer “ptr” and the arrow operator “->”.

Hình ảnh liên quan đến Pointers on accessing an data object class C++

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Base Class Pointer Pointing To Derived Class Object - Geeksforgeeks
Base Class Pointer Pointing To Derived Class Object – Geeksforgeeks
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C Pointers – Geeksforgeeks
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