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Trying To Make Unity Movement Stop When Animation Is Being Played Update Mới

Question - How Can I Stop Running In Place When I Hold Shift? - Unity Forum

Bạn đang muốn tìm hiểu thông tin về chủ đề “Trying to make unity movement stop when animation is being played”. sẽ tổng hợp các thông tin để trả lời thắc mắt cho các bạn trong bài viết này. Mời các bạn đọc hết bài viết này để tìm được những thông tin mà mình muốn xem nhé. Bạn cũng có thể xem thêm một số bài viết chủ đề khác tại đây: unity stop animation from moving object, GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo, Unity replay animation, unity animator stops movement, unity animation event, Unity animation not working, Animator component unity, Animation Controller Unity.

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Thông tin về câu hỏi

  • Câu hỏi: Trying to make unity movement stop when animation is being played
  • Thời gian hỏi: Cập Nhập 16 Phút Trước
  • Thời gian trả lời: Cập Nhập 34 Ngày Trước
  • Số lượt xem: 14780

Trying to make unity movement stop when animation is being played

To make Unity movement stop when an animation is being played, you can use a combination of animation events and scripting.

  1. Create an animation controller: First, create an animation controller for your character if you haven’t already. You can do this by right-clicking in the project window and selecting Create > Animator Controller.

  2. Add animations: Next, add animations to the controller. You can do this by dragging and dropping them from the project window into the Animator window. Make sure that each animation has a unique name.

  3. Set up animation events: In the Animator window, select an animation clip and click on the gear icon in the Inspector window to open up the animation events. Here you can add events that will trigger when specific points in the animation are reached.

  4. Add a script to your character: Create a new script for your character by right-clicking in the project window and selecting Create > C# Script. Open the script in your preferred code editor.

  5. Implement the script: In the script, you can create a boolean variable that tracks whether an animation is currently playing. You can then use this variable to control whether movement is allowed or not. Here’s an example:

public class CharacterController : MonoBehaviour { private Animator animator; private bool isAnimating; private void Start() { animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); } private void Update() { if (!isAnimating) { // Move the character } } public void OnAnimationStart() { isAnimating = true; } public void OnAnimationEnd() { isAnimating = false; } }
  1. Hook up the script: Finally, you need to hook up the script to the animation events. In the animation event, select the character GameObject and then select the appropriate method from the dropdown menu. For example, if you named your script “CharacterController” and your method for starting the animation is called “OnAnimationStart”, you would select “CharacterController” from the GameObject dropdown and “OnAnimationStart” from the Function dropdown.

With these steps, your character will stop moving when an animation is being played, and resume moving when the animation ends.

Xem video liên quan đến Trying to make unity movement stop when animation is being played

How To Fix Unity Animation Position Issues

How to disable GameObject after animation?

You can disable a GameObject after an animation finishes by using an animation event and a script. Here are the steps:

  1. Select the GameObject in the Scene view.
  2. Click on the Animation tab to open the Animation window.
  3. Select the animation clip that you want to modify.
  4. In the Animation window, locate the frame where you want the GameObject to be disabled.
  5. Right-click on that frame and select “Add Event”.
  6. In the Event section, select the GameObject that you want to disable.
  7. In the Function section, select the “SetActive” function.
  8. Set the value to “False” to disable the GameObject.
  9. Click on the “Add” button to create the event.

Now, when the animation reaches the specified frame, it will execute the event and disable the GameObject. However, to make sure that the event is triggered only once, you will need to add a script to the GameObject that disables the animation component after it finishes playing. Here’s an example script that you can use:

using UnityEngine; public class DisableAfterAnimation : MonoBehaviour { private Animation anim; void Start() { anim = GetComponent<Animation>(); anim.Play(); } void Update() { if (!anim.isPlaying) { anim.enabled = false; gameObject.SetActive(false); } } }

Attach this script to the GameObject that you want to disable. The script will disable the animation component after it finishes playing, and then disable the GameObject itself.

What is culling mode in unity?

Culling mode in Unity is a setting that determines how the engine decides whether an object should be rendered or not based on its position and visibility in the camera’s frustum.

The frustum is the portion of the camera’s view that is visible on the screen. When an object is outside the frustum, it is not visible to the player and therefore does not need to be rendered, which saves resources and improves performance.

There are two culling modes in Unity:

  1. Cull Off: This mode disables culling entirely, which means that all objects within the camera’s view will be rendered, regardless of their position in the frustum. This can be useful for certain situations, such as when using a minimap or rendering objects offscreen for special effects.

  2. Cull Back: This mode culls objects that are facing away from the camera, which means that only objects that are facing towards the camera will be rendered. This is the default culling mode in Unity, and it’s used to optimize performance by not rendering objects that are not visible to the player.

You can set the culling mode for a particular object in the Inspector panel in Unity, under the “Culling” section of the object’s properties.

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